Vision and Mission
We provide the students of SST with exceptional care, education and opportunities to support their development so that they are ready to be successful, responsible adults.ββ
Our aim is to create a happy, safe and nurturing environment. We want to develop the skills, relationships and knowledge that equips everyone to flourish in all aspects of their life beyond their time at SST. ββ
We want every person to be proud of themselves, their background and their school. Our number one priority is for everyone to feel happy and safe through a sense of belonging enabled by the positive respectful relationships they are supported to build.
Being a part of the SST community means having the very highest of expectations of ourselves and each other, reaching to truly fulfil our potential. We understand that mistakes will be made but it is important that we learn from them. Consequently, every member of our school community will emerge resilient and ready to make the very most of their life beyond their time at SST but look back fondly on their experiences whilst at SST.ββ
The exceptional education and training at SST, supported more widely by the Valley Invicta Academy Trust (VIAT), develops a balance of knowledge, skills and expertise for staff and students alike. Being collaborative, outward looking and research focused as a school and Trust will ensure we remain current in the world of today and prepared for that of tomorrow.
Everyone will feel there is a place for them in our school. Despite Science and Technology being in our name and locally being referred to as the STEM school, we are so much more than that. Our broad and balanced curriculum and array of wider development opportunities mean that there is an education for everyone at SST. ββ
No matter your ability, background or interests, all we ask is you give your very best in everything you do.ββ
Together we are proud of ourselves, of each other and our school.
To create an SST community that nurtures, educates and prepares our students to excel in an ever-changing world by empowering them with confidence, resilience, knowledge and skills to make a positive societal impact.